Guilty Gear Xrd REVELATOR - Wanna Be Crazy lyrics (Full Version)

So Re:ACT Cadenza told us that the full version of Wanna Be Crazy is around the net. I took a look at it, and it sounds really freakin' glorious! So now that we've got the whole thing, I decided to make another lyrics-guessing post. Again, you're free to contribute in any way you want, as long as you're being civil.

The following lyrics combine mine and Re:ACT Cadenza's guesses. Cadenza, if you're reading this, thank you!

P. S.: I still hear "Keep in shadow". Personally, I think it makes sense.

Anyway, here come the lyrics:

I'm a shock grenade
Frozen in time, so I'm trying to say.
Our world's now risking time.
To make me end, you wanna bother.
I used to tell the scores!
The demon inside of you.
Now it's time! Who wanna say so?

KEEN SHARE! Time to pull it down!
Now feel the tide!

Cry for the moon and keep in shadow!
Wanna put a champion? No, I'm not!
Don't waste your time and try this!

You wanna be crazy!
You wanna go freak out!
You don't wanna break down in a rusty harp!

When the time comes, don't turn around!
You need to lose just to see!
Let's! Get! Down!

I'm as fast as wind.
How can I care to save another day?
Just to check if that's devil's day!
Can't suffer for a single XXX
I use the killer score!
The demon inside of you.
Now it's time! Who wanna say so?

KEEN SHARE! Time to pull them down!
Now feel the tide!

Cry for the moon and keep in shadow!
Wanna put a champion? No, I'm not!
Don't waste your time and try this!

You wanna be crazy!
You wanna go freak out!
You don't wanna break down in a rusty harp!

When the time comes, don't turn around!
They gonna kill what you love!
Let's! Get! Down!

Do not say a word.
I know what you're thinking.
I'm defined to see the man in the mirror!

I know you feel the same!
Disaster asks me:
Why can't I be given an answer?

You wanna be crazy!
You wanna go freak out!
You don't wanna break down in a rusty harp!

When the time comes, don't turn around!
You need to lose just to see the truth!

You wanna be CRAZY!
You wanna go FREAK OUT!
You don't wanna break down in a rusty harp!

When the time comes, don't turn around!
They gonna kill what you love!
Let's! Get! Down!

You gotta blast! Don't give in!

Chay Vdvoem - Together with You (Вместе с тобой)

Now that I finished and posted that video, I'm gonna post the English lyrics of that song. I hope that one day someone makes an English cover based on them. X3

Baby, close your eyes
And fall into the skies,
Into snowy fluff

And if romance exists,
Don't be so silent, please
Let it out, my love

Gonna need to kidnap you
And drink the sea of tears
Gonna need to request you
To be the one who cares!

All the seas, all the hedges
I'd go through if I needed
I'm going after you
I know for sure:
I must be by your side

Only you are the reward
That makes me move forward
All my dreams are full of you
I know for sure:
I must be together with you

Together with you...
Together with you...

The shining star peacefully rolls
To the east of the heaven it goes
Far above the roads

I ask to escape with me
I ask to betray with me
Like nobody does

Gonna need to kidnap you
And drink the sea of tears.
Gonna need to request you
To be the one who cares!


Love that's in your heart
Is breaking me apart
Don't you pity me
It won't keep me alive

Anguished and depressed,
I rip my heart to shreds
But since you exist,
My hopes will never die!


Guilty Gear Xrd REVELATOR "Wanna Be Crazy" Lyrics

I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I finally decided to show you my attempt to guess the lyrics of Wanna Be Crazy from Guilty Gear Xrd REVELATOR. If you want, you can help me guess the remaining part (marked by XXX) or even correct what I have now. Anyway, here it goes.

I'm a shock grenade.
Frozen in time, so I'm trying to say.
Our world's now risking time.
To make me end, you wanna bother.
I used to tell the scores!
Demon inside of you.
XXX wanna say so!

KEEN SHARE! Time to pull it down!
Now feel the tide!

Cry for more and keep in shadow!
Wanna put a change, even though I'm not!
Don't waste your time and try this!

You wanna be crazy!
You wanna go freak out!
You don't wanna break down in a rusty harp!

When the time comes, don't turn around!
You need to lose just to see!
Let's! Get! Down!

My essay/Моё сочинение

Написал это сочинение для экзамена по литературе за десятый класс. Оно мне так понравилось, что я решил поделиться им с другими.

Роль семьи в жизни человека

Семья. Для многих людей это слово очень много значит. Действительно, семья — это, пожалуй, самое дорогое, что может быть у человека в жизни.

Что такое семья? Семья — это, прежде всего, группа людей, связанных кровным родством. Именно в семье человек определяет свой будущий путь, получает знания, моральные наставления и, кроме всего прочего, любовь. Первые представления о морали мы получаем из детских книжек, в которых с теми, кто олицетворяет зло, в конце концов случается плохое, а те, кто встал на путь добра и нравственности, побеждают. Нас вознаграждают за хорошие поступки и наказывают за плохие, чтобы закрепить данные сказками уроки. Нам предоставляют разнообразие школьных предметов, чтобы определить, что нам ближе и чем мы хотим заниматься в будущем.

Краеугольным камнем отношений в семье являются отзывчивость и доверие. Дружеские отношения в кругу семьи возможны только тогда, когда все члены семьи друг друга понимают, доверяют друг другу и всегда готовы придти на помощь. И неважно, насколько велики наши проблемы в жизни или как нам тяжело в случае провала, например, на экзамене. Настоящая семья всегда поддержит нас физически, морально и любым другим образом.

К сожалению, есть семьи, чьи жизни далеко не так прекрасны, как хотелось бы. В таких семьях царят раздробленность, недоверие, а иногда даже и ненависть. Есть семьи, в которых с детьми обращаются как с мусором, родители постоянно ссорятся друг с другом и ведут себя неподобающе. В таких условиях детей только наказывают за проступки. Им не дают любви и заботы, которых они заслуживают. Такие дети становятся замкнутыми в себе взрослыми и даже преступниками.

Понятно, что от окружения зависят рост и развитие человека. Таким образом, нам всем надо стараться обеспечить яркое и здоровое будущее молодому поколению. В руках дружных семей — будущее.

The role of family in a man's life

Family. This word means a lot for most of the people. Indeed, family is perhaps the dearest of everything a human can have in life.

What is family? Family is, first and foremost, a group of blood-related people. Family is exactly where humans decide their future, gain knowledge, moral lessons and, aside from everything else, love. We get our first lessons of morality from children books, in which bad things eventually happen to those who represent evil, while those who picked the path of light and morality win. We are rewarded for good deeds and are punished for bad ones in order to complete those lessons. The knowledge of school subjects is brought to us to determine what is closer to us and what we want to be doing in the future.

Tenderness and trust are the keystone of all relationships in family. Friendly relationships between the family members are only possible when all members understand each other, trust each other and are always ready to help. And it doesn't matter how big our problems are or how bad we feel in case we, let's say, failed an exam. True family will always support us physically, morally and in any other way.

Unfortunately, there are families whose lives are far from desirable. Such families are ruled by disunity, distrust and sometimes even outright hatred. There are families in which children are treated like dirt, parents always argue with each other and act inappropriately. Children are only punished for misdeeds here. They don't get love and care they deserve. Such children grow up to be withdrawn adults and even criminals.

It's true that physical and emotional growth of a human depend on surrounding. Thus we all have to try our best to provide bright and healthy future for the young generation. The future lies in the hands of united families.